What is ESWL?
ESWL is a technique in which pressure waves generated outside the body are passed into the body to break stones into small fragments, similar to sand grains. It is an entirely non-invasive treatment method. Once the stone has been broken up into small fragments, they will pass out in the urine stream over time, says a kidney stone doctor in Kolkata.
How is this treatment administered?
The patient is first assessed for the location, size and number of urinary stones. Other tests will evaluate kidney function, as once the stone has been powdered, the kidney must be able to push out the fragments.
Tests are also performed to evaluate any other associated medical conditions that may prevent this treatment from being used. After that, the patient is placed on the OT table. A water balloon is placed in contact with the body on the side of the stone to be treated, inside which pressure waves are generated. The stone is localized and focused using x-ray imaging (fluoroscopy).
Pressure waves are then generated and focused on the stones at a rate of about one per second. The stone will be fragmented as a result of these pressure waves. The time required for this depends on the size, location and number of stones to be treated. In general, the time limit is 45 minutes, say a specialist of kidney stone surgery in Kolkata.
What are the benefits of ESWL?
The main benefit is that no open surgery is required. Apart from minor discomfort, there is no severe pain, and thus the need for anaesthesia is also minimal. Most of the time, no hospital stay is required, so the patient can return to work the next day.
Are there any complications of this procedure?
This procedure has no known long-term complications. Side effects such as discomfort during the procedure may be present occasionally. Localized redness over the abdomen or back may be present, but it will go away in a few days. After treatment, all patients will experience some urine bleeding. The passage of the fragments down the urinary tube can cause pain, which painkillers can treat, says the doctor of ESWL treatment in Kolkata.Subscribe by Email
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