Friday, March 25, 2022


Circumcision Doctor Explains Painless Circumcision


Circumcision is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and removing the foreskin that covers the tip of the penis. Circumcision has several medical benefits, including a lower risk of HIV and other STDs, a slightly lower risk of urinary tract infection and the cure of phimosis and other penile conditions, says the best circumcision doctor in Kolkata.

Circumcision used to be a painful and unpleasant procedure. Surgeons are now using new and more efficient methods of circumcision procedures due to medical advancements over the years. Stapler Circumcision Treatment and Laser Circumcision Treatment are two of these methods.

circumcision treatment


Stapler Circumcision Treatment: What Is It?

The 'Stapler or Anstomat' device is used in the Stapler circumcision treatment method. The device is divided into two parts: the inner bell and the outer bell. The inner bell is intended to protect the head of the penis, while the outer bell contains a stapler with handles/prongs that are used to cut the foreskin while simultaneously stapling the wound to close it and stop the bleeding.

Depending on the age and health of the male, the surgery is performed under general or local anaesthesia, says the specialist of stapler circumcision in Kolkata.

The Benefits of Stapler Circumcision

Stapler circumcision has several advantages over other circumcision procedures.

• The procedure takes less than ten minutes

• Less blood loss than other circumcision methods

• Less pain 

• Quicker recovery

• There is no chance of the wound reopening

• There is less chance of oedema

• There are fewer cases of infection

Recovering from a Stapler Circumcision

Patients are discharged the same day of surgery and are advised to rest for the first 24 hours. After 48 hours, the bandage should be changed.

It takes about three weeks for patients to recover from stapler circumcision fully, and during this time, patients should refrain from masturbating or having sex.

Laser Circumcision Treatment: What Is It?

Laser circumcision is a minimally invasive procedure that eliminates the need for a large incision and bleeding, pain and discomfort. During this procedure, there is no risk of infection or complications. Laser circumcision is a day-care procedure that takes only 15-20 minutes. The patient is discharged 3-4 hours after the procedure is completed. It is carried out under the influence of either local or general anaesthesia, says the expert of laser circumcision in Kolkata.

The Benefits of Laser Circumcision

• There is no risk of infection, and there are no scars or wounds

• It does not affect fertility

• It is a permanent solution to any foreskin problem

• Rapid recovery

• Short duration of the surgical procedure

• No blood loss

Recovery From A Laser Circumcision

Laser circumcision recovery usually takes a week. Instead of loose-fitting boxer shorts, wear underwear that holds the penis in place. Drink plenty of fluids; this helps dilute the acidity in the urine and reduces urination pain. Refrain from engaging in any physical activity until the wound has completely healed.

For more details contact Medithics Clinic, says the best circumcision doctor in Kolkata.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Kidney Stone Doctor Talks About ESWL

What is ESWL?

ESWL is a technique in which pressure waves generated outside the body are passed into the body to break stones into small fragments, similar to sand grains. It is an entirely non-invasive treatment method. Once the stone has been broken up into small fragments, they will pass out in the urine stream over time, says a kidney stone doctor in Kolkata.

eswl treatment


How is this treatment administered?

The patient is first assessed for the location, size and number of urinary stones. Other tests will evaluate kidney function, as once the stone has been powdered, the kidney must be able to push out the fragments. 

Tests are also performed to evaluate any other associated medical conditions that may prevent this treatment from being used. After that, the patient is placed on the OT table. A water balloon is placed in contact with the body on the side of the stone to be treated, inside which pressure waves are generated. The stone is localized and focused using x-ray imaging (fluoroscopy). 

Pressure waves are then generated and focused on the stones at a rate of about one per second. The stone will be fragmented as a result of these pressure waves. The time required for this depends on the size, location and number of stones to be treated. In general, the time limit is 45 minutes, say a specialist of kidney stone surgery in Kolkata.

What are the benefits of ESWL?

The main benefit is that no open surgery is required. Apart from minor discomfort, there is no severe pain, and thus the need for anaesthesia is also minimal. Most of the time, no hospital stay is required, so the patient can return to work the next day.

Are there any complications of this procedure?

This procedure has no known long-term complications. Side effects such as discomfort during the procedure may be present occasionally. Localized redness over the abdomen or back may be present, but it will go away in a few days. After treatment, all patients will experience some urine bleeding. The passage of the fragments down the urinary tube can cause pain, which painkillers can treat, says the doctor of ESWL treatment in Kolkata.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022


What Can You Expect With PCNL Surgery?-Doctor Explains

PCNL is a treatment used to remove kidney stones from the body when they are unable to pass out on their own, says a doctor of PCNL surgery in Kolkata.

Percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCNL) is most frequently utilized for bigger stones or when other treatments like ureteroscopy are ineffective or impossible.

pcnl surgery doctor


What can you expect from the surgery?

Before the procedure

Before the procedure, your surgeon may refer you to the radiology department, where a radiologist will direct access to the kidney using CT, ultrasound, or X-ray imaging. After that, you will be taken to the operating room for the surgery, says the doctor of kidney stone surgery in Kolkata. Your surgeon may opt to access the kidney while you are under general anaesthesia in the operating theatre.

During the procedure

The doctor locates and removes the kidney stone using a nephroscope's thin viewing tool. The surgeon inserts the tool directly into your kidney through a small cut in your back. 

Once the doctor has attained access to the kidney stones, they will insert a sheath into the kidney and use a particular device to break them up. The doctor will remove the shards once they are small enough. Your doctor may send the kidney stone pieces for analysis or rule out infection.

After the treatment, the surgeon may leave drainage tubes in the kidney, says the kidney stone doctor in Kolkata.

Following the procedure

You may be hospitalized for one or two days following the procedure. For two to four weeks, your doctor will urge that you avoid heavy lifting, pushing, or tugging. After a week, you may be able to return to work.

If the doctor leaves drainage tubes in the kidney, you must remain vigilant for bleeding. If you observe thick blood or blood clots in your urine or drainage tube, get medical attention immediately.

Consult your physician if you develop a fever or chills. These could be infection-related signs and symptoms. Your doctor will most likely perform urine and blood tests, as well as X-rays, before referring you to the emergency department. Consult your doctor if you are experiencing substantial pain that is not alleviated by your prescribed pain medication, says the PCNL surgery doctor in Kolkata.

Monday, March 14, 2022


Is Angioplasty and Stent the same thing? Surgeon Explains

Are Angioplasty And Stent The Same Thing?

Coronary angioplasty is a technique that is performed to open up restricted or obstructed coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.

The term "angioplasty" refers to the procedure of stretching open a restricted or obstructed artery with a balloon. However, most current angioplasty methods also include inserting a small wire-mesh tube called a stent into the artery. The stent is maintained in place permanently to improve blood flow, says a renowned cardiologist, providing angioplasty surgery in Kolkata.



When should a coronary angioplasty be performed?

Like all other organs in the body, the heart requires a steady flow of blood. The coronary arteries supply this. These arteries can become restricted and hardened with age, resulting in coronary heart disease.

When the blood supply to the heart is reduced, it can cause angina, a type of chest pain typically induced by physical activity or stress. While angina is often treatable with medicine, a coronary angioplasty may be required to restore blood flow to the heart in severe cases where medication is inadequate. Coronary angioplasties are also frequently utilized as a life-saving procedure following a heart attack, says the best angioplasty doctor in Kolkata.

What are the advantages of undergoing a coronary angioplasty?

In most cases, angioplasty improves blood flow through the coronary arteries. Many people report that their symptoms improve dramatically following the treatment and that they can do more than they could prior to the procedure.

According to the angioplasty surgeon in Kolkata, if you've had a heart attack, an angioplasty can significantly improve your chances of survival over and above clot-busting drugs. Additionally, the surgery may decrease your risk of having another heart attack in the future.

Are there any other possibilities?

A coronary artery bypass graft may be considered if several coronary arteries have been clogged and restricted or if the arteries' anatomy is irregular.

This is a sort of invasive surgery in which healthy blood artery sections are harvested from other body places and connected to the coronary arteries. Blood is routed into these channels to avoid constricted or obstructed arteries, says the angioplasty treatment doctor in Kolkata.

Monday, February 28, 2022


What Are The Treatment Options for Early Stage Prostate Cancer?

When you are diagnosed with prostate cancer at an early stage, it means that the cancer has not spread outside the prostate gland. It means that you have a few great treatment options to choose from to start your therapy, says a prostate cancer treatment in Kolkata.

It is necessary to choose the option that will give you the best quality of life. Consult your doctors about each type of treatment's benefits and side effects. Ask your doctor all the questions you have to determine on which treatment option would give you the best results with the fewest risks. Doctors typically suggest three main types of treatment options for early-stage prostate cancer, which are:

  • Watchful waiting or active surveillance

  • Surgery

  • Radiation therapy


    prostate cancer


Watchful Waiting and Active Surveillance

Prostate cancer often grows gradually. You might not require treating it right away or at all, mainly if you are older and have other health problems. For some men, the treatments have more significant risks than benefits. Doctors usually suggest watchful waiting in this case, which means you and your doctor will wait and look out for symptoms and treat them if they start. The doctor can also do tests from time to time to check if the cancer is growing, says the prostate cancer doctor in Kolkata.


As cancer doesn't spread beyond the prostate in the early stages, extracting the gland can sometimes cure the disease. The main operation doctors do is called a radical prostatectomy, in which the surgeon will extract the whole organ, plus some tissue around it. There are a couple of ways your doctor can do this, such as:

Retropubic prostatectomy

This is the most typical type of prostate surgery. A surgeon extracts the prostate through a cut on your lower belly.

Perineal prostatectomy

The surgeon extracts the prostate through a cut between your anus and testicles.


Radiation therapy utilizes high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells. You can get it in one of 2 ways:

External beam radiation therapy

It concentrates X-rays on your prostate from a machine outside your body. The doctor will direct the radiation to the gland and adjust the dose to target cancer. The therapy takes just a few minutes and it doesn't hurt.


During this treatment the doctor uses small pellets, which slowly give off low radiation levels inside your prostate for some weeks or months. Doctors will give you medication to put you to sleep or make your body numb then put the pellets in through thin needles.

According to the prostate cancer treatment in Kolkata, your doctor will do everything feasible so that no damage is done to the area near your prostate, but some men have side effects from radiation therapy, such as:

  • Trouble controlling urination, or a leaky bladder

  • Diarrhea, blood in stool and other bowel issues

  • Erection problems

  • Feeling tired

Friday, February 25, 2022


Urologist Explains Ureter Stone Removal With Laser Surgery

How does laser stone surgery work?

The ureter stone removal with laser surgery is minimally invasive and needs no incisions on the body. Once one is asleep, a small lighted instrument (ureteroscope) is placed into their urethra and bladder to access their ureter and kidney, says the best urologist in Kolkata.

Once the stone is noticed through images a laser fibre transmits Holmium energy to break up the kidney stones. The surgeon extracts some pieces through the urethra with a small basket. The surgeon can also utilize a high-powered holmium laser with high-frequency emissions that transforms the stones into a fine powder. One can then pass the fine particles in their urine after surgery. An even more efficient method of transmitting the holmium laser is by modulating the pulse using the Moses effect, resulting in more efficient stone dusting or fragmentation.


urologist in kolkata


The surgeon will likely insert a stent tube between the kidney and urethra. This promotes recovery and lets small stone fragments pass more easily. Most importantly, this stent allows the kidney to drain during the healing process. The stent is removed about one week after surgery. The length of surgery is typically under 1 hour, relying on the size and number of the kidney stones. The dusting technique mixed with the Moses effect can reduce the need to extract stones with a basket, thereby minimizing the use of a stent, says the best urologist in Kolkata.

What happens on surgery day?

The surgeon will give specific instructions on what to do with the medications and diet before the procedure date. One will have general anesthesia so that they sleep through the surgery. This helps ensure that one is still when the tiny instruments are inside the body. Newer lasers are precise and powerful, making it easier for the surgeon to control and fragment the stone. This helps reduce the time of the surgery, so one can spend less time asleep and get back to their regular routine faster.

How will I feel after surgery?

One can still experience pain after laser surgery. If one has a stent between the kidney and the ureter, most pain will likely arrive from the stent because it can rub on the kidney or bladder. It can also make one feel like they need to urinate and cause some blood in the urine. Men can have pain in the penis or testicles, says the urologist in Kolkata.

The doctor will prescribe medicines after surgery. Generally, these can include an antibiotic to stop infection, pain medication and possibly something to treat bladder spasms and burning with urination.

To lubricate the stent, one should drink plenty of water and encourage any small stones to move out of the kidney. One will likely feel a more recurring urge to urinate, so one may want to stay close to a bathroom.

One can continue normal activities the next day or as soon as one feels comfortable. One should skip high-intensity workouts until after the stent is removed. Some pain medications restrict activities like driving, so check the warnings on the label. The doctor will have additional recommendations for the patient to follow, says the best urologist in Kolkata.

Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Signs That Indicate You Might Need An Angioplasty Surgery

Angioplasty has become a highly effective therapy for opening blocked arteries that deliver blood to your brain, heart, arms, kidneys and legs. This minimally invasive technique can eliminate the need for open surgery and spare you weeks of healing time needed for conventional methods such as cardiac artery bypass.

The best angioplasty doctor in Kolkata talks about the signs of blocked or narrowed arteries and how angioplasty can help.


angioplasty doctor


Symptoms of atherosclerosis that may indicate the need for angioplasty

Atherosclerosis is when plaque builds up in the inner lining of an artery, causing thickening or hardening of the arteries. The symptoms of this condition include:

Chest pain

Coronary arteries affect your heart muscle, so a blockage can generate pain around the organ. Angioplasty can clear blocked arteries and reduce the chest pain associated with less blood flow to your heart. 

Emergency angioplasty is often utilized as a life-saving measure during a heart attack to quickly open a blocked coronary artery and reduce permanent damage to the muscle.

Arm or leg pain

Muscle pain linked to blocked peripheral arteries, which carry blood to the regions outside your heart, is most typical in the legs. The discomfort can worsen with movements such as walking or cycling and reduce with rest. However, as the condition advances, the pain can become persistent and severe.

Skin changes and swelling in the lower extremities

Blockages or narrowing in the arteries that carry blood to the legs often causes skin discoloration, swelling and slow-healing skin wounds, as well as gangrene, which can lead to amputation, says the best angioplasty doctor in Kolkata.

Symptoms of a stroke

Blockages in the carotid arteries, which carry blood to your brain, can result in confusion, sudden weakness, dizziness, numbness, problem walking and other indications of a stroke. Note that a stroke is a life-threatening emergency that needs immediate medical care.

However, when your signs are severe or do not respond to conservative therapies, angioplasty can be the most suitable treatment option for reducing your symptoms and lowering your chances of further complications from atherosclerosis, says the best angioplasty doctor in Kolkata.